Improve CSA Scores by 17-50%

The Tools You Need to Improve CSA Scores

Our clients report improved CSA scores, up to 50% company-wide. Here’s how:

  • An unrivaled library of videos, covering CSA BASICs and other important safety topics.
  • Microlearning techniques that are proven to increase comprehension and retention.
  • Online training can be assigned immediately to deal with violations.
  • Progress tracking to ensure drivers are completing their training.
  • Reporting on demand.

Consistent, ongoing training is the key to ensuring CSA topics stay top of mind. With Infinit-I, you can assign training that drivers can access anytime, anywhere.

Improve CSA Scores

Are you ready to get your truck driver CSA scores under control?

Or give us a call at 972-232-7305

Miller Truck LinesMiller Truck Lines 50% IMPROVEMENT – CSA“Year-to-date, apples-to-apples, we’ve saved about 50% in our crash ratings. Our CSA scores continue to improve every single month. For every securement violation we get, or speeding, we have a module we have drivers watch. So, each month our CSA scores have improved, and I attribute that to the Infinit-I system.”
Houston Brittain
Director of Risk Management

Training That Addresses the 7 CSA BASICS

We have over 1,000 videos covering transportation safety and regulatory topics. Averaging 5-7 minutes, our training videos and quizzes are easy for drivers to complete, understand, and retain.

The Infinit-I system tracks all training progress, so you can be sure drivers are completing their assignments. All records of training are maintained on our servers so you can access the information you need when you need it.